These are too cool...... and very low mintage ‼ï¸â€¼ï¸The First four pics are over strikes on Clad Ike $â€¼ï¸ The obverse has an extra eye under Wilson’s eye‼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸
The last four are over struck on Morgan $’s‼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸Each overstruck coin is unique and has different characteristics from each other, besides the fact that around 10 of each of Morgan and 10 Clad Ikes were minted ‼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸You can see and compare the 2 Morgan and 2 Ike’s and see they didn’t come out of the press exactly the same. I’ve seen other of the Morgan Wilson over strikes on eBay and none of them are exactly like each other‼ï¸Apparently each coin comes out of the press different from the others even though he used the same kind of coin‼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸From what I can tell, it looks like Dan did around 10 of each coin...... but he really only did 5 with the Wilson on the observe of each denomination, and did the next 5 of each denomination with Wilson on the reverse........... making each denomination even rarer......with two different kinds of strikes on each denomination ‼ï¸â€¼ï¸👀👍👍🎯‼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸â‰ï¸â€¼ï¸👍👍‼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸Too kool ‼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸Dan’s the Man‼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸He is amazing, and “ hats 🎩 off†to him as always ‼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸🎯🎯🎯👍👍👀‼ï¸👍‼ï¸â€¼ï¸â€¼ï¸