I have had an email conversation going with Daniel Carr going back and forth asking for suggestions to figure out what our final lists of medal types will be for our 2017 medals. He had a lot of great ideas. To make way for some of these ideas, we will have ot reduce some of the other options.
Daniel suggested removing the colored silver strikes, and replacing the silver ike overstrikes with clad overstrikes (since the silver ike overstrikes would look very similar to the silver eagle overstrikes). I also asked if there was a possibility to do a bi-medal strike since it was brought up in another thread, and a double reverse strike.
So here is what I think would be best for medal types after emailing Daniel:
1.) The color tone medals both 39mm and 50mm will go, along with the 40% Silver Ike overstrike to make way for some other ideas. The DC choice finish will also go be changed to some of the other suggestions.
2.) A Silver double reverse Medal will be added using the original 2007 die and the new 2017 die.
3.) Bi-medal medals are possible with in the 50mm size. We have the option to use a 1oz silver blank surrounded by brass or copper with the main design in the center and some type of anniversary wording around the brass or copper rim. The reverse side could have a reusable design with sword and shield sets surrounding the center representative of our different countries like knights around the round table. We could also use the full design on two ounce silver rounds
4.) My thought on the Ike overstrikes was to have a bunch of them made as loose coins, and send them out for treasury donations like the Notgelds. These would be available until they run out. They would cost $7 to strike, and probably a $14 donations would get one sent to you (or you could order them with your 2017 order. I think they would make cool pocket pieces, and help keep the castle running.
It is a lot of information, so let me know your thoughts. I will be editing the list soon.