Last Saturday, while visiting my local coin shop in Columbus, IN a fellow came in with an item he wished to show my dealer and hopefully gain some information on. He had the medallions stuffed into his front pocket with NO protection what so ever! Out came an Exhibitors Award Medallion for the Hanson Sword Company given at the 1892 (3) Columbian Exposition. It was a huge medallion, probably three and a half inches across (just guessing) and in at least AU condition. Actually it might have made a higher grade but none the less I was holding history in my hand. Christopher Columbus adored the front on this very high relief medallion. I grabbed a magnifying glass and was literally astounded when I discovered Augustus Saint-Gaudens designed one side of the medallion and Charles Barber designed the other! Two of America's most famous engraver/sculpters worked on this amazing piece and it carried both their names in bold letters. You can't imagine how bad i wanted that medallion. Now there are two people doing research on this man's gift from his grandfather who was involved with the Hansen Sword Company! Doesn't matter! I still want it!