The Pet Set Excaliber is sitting right above my computer where I can see it everyday. A couple of months ago I stumbled onto Catman's (Steve Kaden) brothers email address so I got in contact with him concerning the set. I told him of Steve's silver medallion that had traveled the world and hopefully it, along with Steve's name, would continue to do so. He was very appreciative in his reply and I could tell it still bothered him to talk of his only brother who had left this world so abruptly.
Many of you did not have the opportunity to know Steve Kaden. He was a major player in many forums that I frequented and very instrumental in getting the KOTCT collectors together as one unit. He really loved his coins and his cat(s). I do believe he actually sent one to Old Dan as he found it in his mailbox. I never did find out if Old Dan had to pay "Postage Due" on that darn cat? None the less the the two of them became good buddies from that point on. Strange how the world works!
The Pet Set is here just waiting to go back to active duty but that will require members requesting to hold the set for a couple of weeks before shipping it on. I await the call.