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Offline Paint Your Wagon

Multinational Jokes
April 07, 2008, 10:44:37 PM
Right before the big war ; generals and their aides all Captains are flying to a meeting
Ten minutes after take off the copilot comes in saying I am sorry folks this plane is going down and we are short 3 parachutes
So the generals take a parachute and jump living 4 captains and one parachute

Vive la France et pour la gloire et l'honeur says the French captain and very galantly jumps out of the airoplane without parachute
For King and country says the English captain and jumps without parachute

The German and the Russian look at each other
For the Führer und dass dritte Reich says the German ...and

kicks out the Russian

Where I am going I ain't certain
Where I am going I don't know
All I know is that I'am on my way

Offline Paint Your Wagon

Re: Multinational Jokes
April 08, 2008, 09:37:55 PM
Again before the big war
Multinational conference and three captains on a break wandering around the beach happen to
find an undressed beauty sunbathing at the foot of the dunes

The French captain tips his Kepi cause she is so beautiful
The English captain tips his Kepi cause she has the face of the young Vicky
The German captain goes into full paradeground Prussian rigidity and slams the back of his leather booths together
and shoots his right arm and hand out in the full official salute

So the two other officers ask him Heinz what the hell got into you ?

Answers Heinz
Zee hat ze moustache of  mein Führer . ( Did you not notice she had Hitlers Moustache )

Where I am going I ain't certain
Where I am going I don't know
All I know is that I'am on my way