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The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 02, 2008, 06:20:29 AM
This morning I tried to order a spare modem from Tiger but I couldn't do it because I could not remember my pass word to an account that I should not be required to have to buy something on the Internet. Isn't paying for it enough?

So I went to the Library after that. I haven't been there in 15 years and I wanted to get another Library card. I bought my D/L down there along with my credit card, D-License, DD-214, birth certificate, baptismal certificate and a letter of recommendation from the Vatican. And hoped that would be enough. The guy put my D/L number in and "oh your still in system. You just need to renew your old card. It's $1.50."  It took about 5 minutes.

For several years now, I've been bugged about whether the Internet is worth all the hoops I have to jump through. It isn't. When the day comes that it's easier to deal with a county bureaucrat than the "Super Highway,"  it's time to leave.  And so it shall  be.

I'm going miss everyone here, especially the old friends from CoinWorld, and especially OldDan.  But I'm pulling the plug on July 21. I now have Nokia  Net 10  phone that I've been using for a month and it works just fine. Even has voice mail.  Maybe they'll be some surprises with that down the road, I don't know. But AT&T can shove their phone line, and their ISP. I sick of paying for crap ISP connections, crap anti virus "protection" crap modems, crap, crap, and more crap. But it's been fun being in here, I'll miss all of you.



Offline CoinCrusader42

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Re: The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 02, 2008, 07:09:44 AM

You will always be a member, and I sure hope you choose to find a way to check in once in a while.

Everybody in KOTCT are "special" people, but none more than you.

Please leave us hope we might hear from you again down the road.

 :) :) :) :)


Offline ElleKitty

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Re: The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 02, 2008, 09:41:05 AM
I'm sorry to know that we're going to lose your company, Sir; but Gary is correct. You're a Knight for life, unless we kick you out for bad behaviour.

I don't blame you in the least for being fed up with AT&T, or the internet, or software or hardware.  Most of it is crap. 

What isn't crap, is that we're going to miss you terribly. Please do feel free to drop back in and pick up your mug for ale any time you can.

Best wishes always!


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Re: The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 02, 2008, 10:23:29 AM
There is a point at which I have pondered such notions too, but as Kitty explains, you asked for us, you got us, Toyota!  ;D

I myself have left forums altogether for various reasons, didn't care for the flavour, too much "Mommy and Daddy" etc. 

Life without internet is indeed simpler, but I think you can discipline yourself, and not deprive yourself of the benefits, whilst sheering yourself of the drawbacks.

I decided recently that a certain forum is a nixer for me, being advised to change my signature after it had been present for over three months was a bit over the top.  I also decided that I might buy small value stuff on eBay, but my big buys, and all selling on eBay are a thing of the past.  Just too many rules, too much paypoo etc.


Offline Triggersmob

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Re: The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 02, 2008, 10:53:09 AM
We will miss you, Bill.

Don't forget you can always drop into an internet cafe or library and come online to say hi.

All the best and have a great life.

(From Western Australia)

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Offline Nevol

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Re: The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 02, 2008, 10:54:50 AM
We'll be sorry to lose you and you input to the forum.  I hope you can still visit occasionally & maybe give us some updates on how you're going.  Cheers & all the best. Nancy

Queensland, Australia
Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.


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Re: The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 02, 2008, 02:52:02 PM
Thank you everyone for the kind words. I had a pretty hard time tonight trying to imagine what I'll do without a decent coin forum, and used books from ebay and ABEs. Let's see, watch television?  Oh yeah, that sounds great. ???

Frequenting Internet cafes and Library computers is probably exactly what I would  be trying to do. So I guess I'll probably just leave things as they are, at least for now.  Not only would I miss this place too much but  how will I "dis" TPGs, Market grading, the Goldman Sachs plant they have in the Treasury and the eggplant they have in the federal reserve without the Internet?

Thanks for the replies everyone. That was yet another "Tipping Point."

Oh yeah, I couldn't order a modem from TigerDirect because I couldn't remember my BS password, which BTW,  probably is the password. But  they didn't have any problem sending me five spam mails.


Offline CoinCrusader42

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Re: The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 02, 2008, 03:49:44 PM
Great News!!!!

 :D :D :D :D


Offline Humpybong

Re: The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 02, 2008, 07:08:18 PM

Terrific.....we would have been lost without you

 ;D   ;D   ;D   :'(   :'( 

Brisbane, Australia
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Offline ElleKitty

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Re: The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 02, 2008, 08:11:09 PM
*happily refills mug with beverage of choice, lights the fire in the fireplace.*  :)

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Offline Paint Your Wagon

Re: The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 02, 2008, 08:59:31 PM
I just made it here to read a story with an happy ending I like  ;)

I have superb service at an extreme price like 64$ a month only for the adsl and 60 giga download cum upload and another 60 dollars for the thelepone and another 30 or so for cable television
Only every two years a new provider buys out the old provider and they lose my address and say I am not a client and administration shuts me down etc this three times from new owners . Last month my provider was bought out again but now by the ultimate provider the state owned Belgacom . Lucky for me they decided not to change anything since they offer only 15 giga and slower service etc 

Where I am going I ain't certain
Where I am going I don't know
All I know is that I'am on my way

Offline TwoShadows

Re: The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 03, 2008, 01:25:18 AM
Longnine I know exactly how you feel. If my phone line was an slower it would indeed be quicker to use a turtle or homing pigeon and we all know homing pigeons are gone! I have inquired about other services but living a huge 4 miles from town puts me in a dead zone, so to speak! They laid a HUGE fiber optic line across the road from my house a couple of years ago but they did not want to waste their time on rural areas as it wasn't profitable? The line goes through many a little town but their money was NOT worth the time and effort for a connection. Two other services will put in DSL with a set up fee of $300 to $400 and a contract for committment which is extremely expensive.
I will just keep plugging along until something better FINALLY happens. I have wanted to take this monitor out back and put a deer slug in it a thousand times and then run over my modem, shoot it a few times and burn it at the stake. It's all still here!
There are many reasons for me to be here and you are one of them. If nothing else the internet has given us the opportunity to reach out and touch someone and in return they have touched us back! That my friend, in this day and age, is truly priceless!

Knight #1

"Life's a Lemon, I want my money back!" (Meatloaf)

Offline Nevol

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Re: The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 03, 2008, 08:14:51 AM
Glad to hear you're sticking with us.

Queensland, Australia
Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.


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Re: The Tipping Point Happened Today
July 03, 2008, 02:37:40 PM
I have wanted to take this monitor out back and put a deer slug in it a thousand times and then run over my modem, shoot it a few times and burn it at the stake. It's all still here!

I had a flat top scanner that I paid $50 for and it was still going after 5 years. I had it sitting on a bar stool and my brother in law knocked it over and finally killed it. It was on the stool because I had just finished putting in another modem  and he was over trying to figure out why the driver wouldn't work. These freaking modems are a curse. They even killed the only hardware I ever had that was worth a damn.

Thanks again to everyone for all the replies. This  forum that Rules!