Worldwide Coins & Bank Notes > Bi-Metallic Coins of the World

Kitty's BiMetallic treats.


Some Bi-metallic animal coins that I have recently added to my collection.  I believe the Uruguay panther is a duplicate, one for my bi-metal collection and one for my cat collection.  :)

Country, date and denomination should appear in the photo with the coin.
I scanned these quickly so they may not be the best photos of a coin ever.  

And, there's one little Polish gem in there that isn't bimetallic at all, oops!
I believe it has a badger on it, and it's 2 Zloty.

The last coin is Turkey, the Turkish Angora 1 Lira.

They are a very nice set of coins.
I like the Badger and Panther coins, I haven't seen them before.  :)


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