Worldwide Coins & Bank Notes > Other World Coins

Chopped Mexican 8 Reales 1792



Milled bust coins "bust or portrait dollars" were minted at the Mexico City mint from 1772 until 1821, when Mexico won its independence from Spain.  Like the milled pillar dollar, bust dollars circulated throughout the world, even serving as legal currency in the United States until 1857.   Mexico City coins are easily identified by their mintmark, an M with a small o above.


Nice one kitty

I bought a few of these several years ago out of a $5 junk bin!  Back then they were regarded as junk and not collectible because of the chopmarks, at least now they get some respect for their service.

Looks like that one changed hands quite a few times? I can't help but wonder how they knew who owned it last?


--- Quote from: ElleKitty on October 08, 2007, 07:44:39 PM ---Mexico City coins are easily identified by their mintmark, an M with a small o above.

--- End quote ---

Even the current Indian rupees that are minted in Mexico City use that same mintmark.


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