Worldwide Coins & Bank Notes > U.S. Coins

New acquisitions from the coin show ...


1803 Large Cent for the type set. She's not so pretty, so I'll probably upgrade sometime.

1909 $2½ Gold Indian Head for the type set.

1921-D Morgan $1 - I just liked the "look" of this one.


Very nice AuldFartte.

Glad to see someone has luck at coin shows.  I am usually to late, others get the good ones before I get there.

I could live with all 3 coins AuldFartte. Most of the early cents show a lot of use but that brings out the personality of the coin and the understanding that was a LOT of money back then and it would definitely buy something. Those old used coins can really spark the imagination if you know what I mean! Who do you think spent that cent the first time out of the mint? Those cents were the workhorses of their time!
As for the gold and silver? There is no such thing as bad gold and silver but some are in nicer condition than others.

I agree, I like the circulated cents a bit better, they have character.  AF's piece is actually not too bad for that date, it is a lot better than my 1803, but I love mine all the same.  She served a long time for her country and deserves the retirement she has now.

gotta love the indian!!!


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