Castle Courtyard > Perpetual Give-A Way Set

Coming Up -- Perpetual Giveaway Set

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We are just now rounding up members to this wonderful new home of ours, so it's premature to start planning for our Perpetual Giveaway Set.

However, I sure hope we can get it started soon.

I'm sure Terry will have to do the hardware part of the set, and I'm also certain many of us will be happy to donate coins.

I would imagine Catman's medal would be part of the set.

I hope we can get this project going in the near future.  It will be fun, and an honorable quest.

 :) :) :) :)

I have started 2 different sets but each time I changed my mind or was concerned about size and shipping costs but, the good news is the coins are lying right here beside me on a fresh piece of wood and I am about to start over AGAIN! Going to keep it simple, sturdy and mailable! The coins I have purchased over the last few months all have Knights and an age range of over 400 years if I remember correctly? Yes, Catmans medallion is in the set along with the latest square Knight coin from Poland. I do believe it will be a good looking set once finished and Madspec has provided the certificates for each Knight or Knighess to sign and pass on. Won't be too awful long now!

I'd like to make a suggestion regarding a new "Perpetual Set' and it is that the weight be kept as low as possible to allow it to be sent around the world without it costing an arm & a leg for freight/postage.

That is my goal at this time. When the set does enter a country we will try and move it from member to member in that country before sending it back across the big pond. Hopefully in the future we may even have an extra buck or two to help those make those across the pond shipments. Would like to keep things on an even keel for everyone and with PayPal I can send money very quickly. Will know a little more when the set is finished and weighed for the first time. Also we will have the sign up scroll and are we going to send a gift along for to the next recipient as a keepsake each time we mail? I got a couple of kids wanting to see other parts of the world!!!

Twoshadows quote "and are we going to send a gift along for to the next recipient as a keepsake each time we mail?"

I'd be more than happy to include a 'gift' for the next recipient of the "Pet Set" (much easier to type),  I reckon there would be a 100% positive response to your question.


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