Castle Courtyard > Perpetual Give-A Way Set

Pet Set Arrives Safely in Texas!


Yay!  I woke up this afternoon (working nights this week) and what to my wondering eyes do appear?  A brown paper packet!  The pet set has arrived in Texas from Turkiye!  Hurrrrrray!

This weekend I shall endeavour to take the Pet Set around the town, and take some pictures of it with our best landmarks. :D  The set is currently enjoying the view on my dining table, and my Kitty Stolichnaya is keeping it company.  It shall go to work with me this evening for a Toyota picture, and then it will get to rest after it's loooooooong flight across the Atlantic. :)

Your cat is named Stolichnaya?  :D  You name your cats well, all mine have very long patronymic Russian names of course.

Glad to hear that the set got there safely.
Have a great time with it:)

G'day all!
Great to be back on line.
Have a great time with the the "set' Miss Kitty, don't buy it too many drinks.


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