Worldwide Coins & Bank Notes > U.S. Bank Notes

US high security 5000 crane ...... need help please


On of my friends have received these notes from a friend of his.
He says that his friend has told him that these are rare notes and worth a lot of money.

My friend has asked me if know anything about these notes and i need your help to tell me anything that may help.

Thanks in advance  :)

I have no idea about value.

Crane is a currency printer company with a US office in Dalton Massachusetts, and also an International branch in Sweden.

These are not in any way circulating or legal US currency.  They seem to be sample notes, perhaps distributed as an example of the company's abilities and products.

This company is, interestingly enough, the company that has made the paper the US prints it's currency on since 1879.  Lots of interesting facts, but I can find nothing on the notes pictured above.


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