Medallion Quests > 2016 Medallion Quest

Need 2 more of the 2016 Merlin's


HʘʘT Owl:
Looking for the AN Plated and the PL Colored if y'all have either for sale. Only 6 each were made so I know they are very hard to come by.

Thanks for any help.


Did you get your 2 coins?  With a population of 6 that's not very much! 

HʘʘT Owl:
Yes, I got both. They are at ANACS  being graded, should have results soon.

Dang hoot way to go!  I want to see pictures when they come back!!!!! Right on!

any body have any of the satin copper and brass with rohdium and gold plating looking to part with an extra? 


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