Castle Courtyard > KOTCT Hall of Fame

How About An Election!!

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Can we get started on another auction category to raise some funds for this specific purpose?

Actually, from my standpoint, I would suggest we just pool our donations as they come in and, when the time comes, we as a group will decide what we will use the money for? This way I only have to keep one list of money on hand? I guess I am asking that we keep this simple for me? ;D

When the money arrives I will post it in the 2008 Medallion Project or, if needed, I can start a separate Castle Treasury thread and keep track of the funds in the Royal Treasury there?


--- Quote ---I can start a separate Castle Treasury thread and keep track of the funds in the Royal Treasury there
--- End quote ---

Actually, I like the idea of the one Royal Treasury Fund to cover anything that funds might be needed for.

Why not a REAL 16th century armor helmet to pass along from year to year? This one is $239.00 + SH

Something could be engraved in the upper chest area pertaining to what it is for and who it is from.

It's good to see some comments on this thread.

I pretty well go along with OldDan's thinking.

 :) :) :) :)


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