Castle Courtyard > Contests & Giveaways

Aussie Short Snorter.

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G'day all.
As promised, when I regained access to the Forum, I would run a competion.
The prize will be an Australian $2.00 note signed by as many Aussie Forum members
as I can cajole or beg to sign it. A Short Snorter. $2.00 Oz banknotes were last used in 1988.

For the uninformed, a Short Snorter, is a bank note signed by a group of people  who have a common aim or goal. It is believed they started with soldiers signing each others bank notes on the eve of a battle as a form of memento. However they have evolved a bit by todays standards.

It will take a few weeks to get the note signed and I will advise in the future what form the competion will take, probably a date guessing comp..

I have contacted most of the Aussie members already by email and have had a good response. If any Oz members that I have missed  who would like to be in it and sign the note, please send me an email or PM and I will add your name to the list.

I will create two 'short snorters'. One as a prize for the contest (Aussies ineligible) and one to go to the Aussies who signed the note, the Oz winner to be selected by a luckey draw out of the hat. Myself excluded. If my wife refuses to make the draw then I will ask my dog.:)


Sounds like an interesting proposition to me! Tell your dog, should he do the drawing, that U.S. dog biscuits are on my bribe list! Also advise your wife, should she do the drawing, we have things for the ladies up here too!!! Look forward to your competition as winning a "short snorter" would be another first in my long list of things I have never done!!! ;D

Howza about having a KOTCT wide Shortsnorter project? This could be right fun, we over here in Far North Eastern Oz could do one here, then send there, and vicey versy.

I coordinated the shortsnorter project over at Coinpeople, we had the notes go even to Romania, Canada, Spain, Finland, Netherlands, Germany etc.

I would suggest that each member might be able to send in a note of their choice for the project to a coordinator here and there, or in one place then they get sent around for all the signatures, that way everybody has a note that have travelled all about.  I would rather prefer to go on holiday to take mine down there, since Summer is here in Oz, and we hae 5cm of snowzers on the ground here:)

I think that would be a lovely idea.  I would happily participate and can definitely find a note to send out.  My only concern is that the Certificate travelling the US has already gotten lost... would the same fate await?

G'day all,

TKO-100,  Contest guidelines have yet to be announced and as yet I have not finalised them. I expect it could take up to 3 weeks to get all the signatures here in Oz.

Regarding a Forum wide Short Snorter, we would need to find  an A4 sized note. :D :D However I do believe they exist???



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