Medallion Quests > KOTCT Memorial Quest

Suggestion for the 2010 Medal

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I think it would be very fitting.  It's a great idea.

You have read my mind! But after giving this a little thought I would suggest the following;

Let's do a tribute Pewter only so we will have the room to say and show what we feel. As most of us know Gary LOVED the big 63mm pewters. It appears we will have funds left over from the 2009 Medallion Quest so the impact may not be too severe. In the mean time we could run a few auctions to be held in a special account towards this project and only this project. I would suggest that they also be offered to whomever desires them, NOT just KOTCT members as Gary frequented other forums or at least he used to.
At this particular point in time I see the title on the front as "Tears Around The World" (top obverse) with "In Memory of Sir Gary Burke" on the bottom. (Design would be?)
I also see "Burkes Imaginary Turtle Service, Delta Colorado" on the reverse with the turtle crawling out of the water upon a beach. There should be a small package on its back. I think there should be a slogan such as "Shipping Friendship Around the World"
It would be nice if we can get Knight of the Coin Table somewhere on the pewter. We would also need to list Gary's birth date and passing date.
I hope none of you are offended with my idea as that is what I see this morning and it gives us something to build on. I also must think about Gary's family, especially those grandkids, as we do this and do want them to be able to hold something they will be very proud of in the future.
I will make sure Daniel Carr gets to read our posts in this thread and look forward to hearing your ideas as well. We have lost a Founding Father of this group, our scribe and our historian along with a very dear friend. To know this man was an honor!

 The design idea we are currently working on towards the 2010 Medallion Quest would not be appropriate for our tribute to Gary. With that in mind I suggest the above.

I have been in touch with Daniel Carr, both yesterday and today, and wish to pass a little information on to all of you. I now have the balance on our 2009 Medallion Quest and those numbers should give each of you some idea how costly our dream of a tribute to CoinCrusader will be. While I recommended a Pewter medallion it would not be the most economical way to proceed if we wish to do a tribute at this time.
   The total costs for our 2009 Medallion Quest at this time is $3,075.00 of which $1,100 has already been forwarded to the Moonlight Mint for the purchase of silver blanks. This leaves us with a balance of $1,975 which we have on hand so are 2009 Medallion Quest is in the clear and successful again. We are going to have monies left over as we went into this project with over $600 from our last quest and I am guessing (Just guessing without looking) we will have a $1,000 still available after all payments for medallions are received
   Now one major point I must make is we did not incurr the costs for a new reverse design which would have been an additional $1,250. That cost will be included in our 2010 design, if we proceed, as the design is going to change.
   If we proceed with a memorial tribute can we raise the amount of money needed for both obverse and reverse designs and then sell enough medallions to cover the costs? The most economical way to proceed would be with the cheaper copper medallion in 39mm as the blanks for Pewter 63mm are nearly $7.00 each.
   The point I am tryin to make is very few of us see the whole picture like I do as I pay the bills. We all see the costs of the medallions as $20 or $40 each which is required to raise the funds for our total. The three types of copper medallions offered, for example, costs us $2.50, $2.75 and $6.50 respectively which is far from $20. It is the costs such as design fees, engraving fees and sculpting fees we don't see. There are other minor fees thrown in throughout the process and they do all add up.
   I want each of you to know I am more than in favor of a tribute to Gary Burke as a founding father of this forum but I need for you to see what we are up against. I still like the idea of the huge 63mm pewter as it offers much more room and high relief. But can we do both the Tribute Medallion and the 2010 Medallion Quest? Is there potential to sell medallions elswhere to raise the additional funds? Other fourms? General public? Ebay? I await your ideas and thoughts in the next few days. Thank you in advance as we move forward.

So many numbers. I'm a little bit confused.  :-\

I'm all for a tribute to CoinCrusader and will go along with what ever the rest of the bunch wants to do. The cost of the coin will not make much difference to me. However I don't know just how many of the tribute coins could be sold to folks not on this forum. It might be wise to wait a few days for all of us to excerpt Gary's passing before we decide what we want to do in tribute for him. I hope I haven't hurt anyone's feelings by saying this. It's just sometimes it takes a few days for us to get our head back on straight after such a shock as losing such a good friend.


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