Castle Courtyard > Coins for $ale

Thaler set from Grove Minting Company.


Magnificent Thaler set from Grove Minting Company. This set has 4 beautiful cameo proof Thalers in it‼️👀👍There were only 50 of these sets minted....... and two of the coins in this set were “trial strikes” of which only 50 each were struck‼️
The “Golden”( brass) Thaler..... mintage 1000
The silver .999 Thaler.... mintage 250
The copper “trial strike”..... mintage 50
The nickel “ trial strike”......mintage 50
These were minted in 2015 and they are very rare and I bet you won’t be able to find this set anywhere‼️‼️👀‼️
These can be yours for the best reasonable offer ‼️‼️👍👀🎯👍‼️‼️‼️‼️

Message me.   I'm interested.


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